2. Tip Stem of Hydrilla verticillata L.S. (show apical meristem)
3. Stem of Cucurbita moschata L.S.
4. Stem of monocotyledon T.S. (show closed bundle)(Zea mays)
5. Stem of dicotyledon T.S.(show open bundle)(Helianthus annuu)
6. Stem of woody dicotyledonous plant T.S.
7. Lower Epidermis of Vicia faba leaf W.M.
8. Leaf of Pinus T.S.
9. Foliose Lichen sec.
10. Pollen germination W.M.
11. Ovary of Lilium brownii var.viridulum T.S. (show ovule structure)
12. Mature anther of Lilium brownii var.viridulum sec.
13. Proembryo stage of Capsella bursa-pastoris sec.
14. Leaf of Jasminum nudiflorum T.S.
15. Chaff epidermis of Allium cepa W.M.
16. Leaf of Nerium indicum T.S. (show leaf of xerophyte)
17. Leaf of Potamogeton crispus T.S. (show leaf of hydrophyte)
18. Young root of Vicia faba T.S.
19. Penicillium W.M.
20. Actinomyces, W.M.
21. Chlamydomonas W.M.
22. Mixed Bacteria, smear
23. Saccharomyces W.M.
24. Conjugation of Spirogyra W.M.
25. Spirogyra W.M. (vegetative mass)
26. Aspergillus W.M.
27. Rhizopus W.M.
28. Cyanophytes(long thread moss) W.M.
29. Hairy mould W.M.
30. Frog-Cleavage, sec.
31. Blastula stage of egg of Frog sec.
32. Frog-Holoblastic Cleavage, sec.
33. Stratified squamous epithelium sec.
34. Dense connective tissue sec.
35. Blood of Human smear
36. Smooth muscle isolated W.M.
37. Cardiac muscle sec.
38. Letterìeî, w.m.
39. 3-year stem of Tilia T.S.
40. Stem of Zea mays T.S. (intergeniculum)
41. Epidermis of Allium cepa W.M.
42. Leaf T.S.
43. Stomatal of leaf W.M.
44. Stem of corn T.S.
45. Stem of sunflower T.S.
46. Root tip of corn L.S.
47. Leaf of Hydrilla verticillata W.M.
48. Escherichia coli smear
49. Blood of Frog smear
50. Pancreas sec.